Home About Hastings Liquor Accord

About Hastings Liquor Accord

Hastings Liquor Accord

The Hastings Liquor Accord has 100 plus members including Licensed Hotels, Clubs, Liquor Stores, Restaurants, Cafe’s, Resorts, Motels, Vignerons, Brewers and sporting clubs in the Port Macquarie Hastings local area command. It is supported by NSW Police, OLGR, Council and local health and government authorities.

Our Aims and Objectives

  1. Members acknowledge the need to minimise harm associated with misuse and abuse of liquor (including harm arising from violence and other anti-social behaviour).
  2. Members acknowledge the need to encourage responsible attitudes and practices towards the promotion, sale, supply, service and consumption of liquor.
  3. Members acknowledge the need to ensure that the sale, supply and consumption of liquor contributes to, and does not detract from, the amenity of community life.
  4. Members acknowledge the need to promote safety and positive perceptions about the precinct in which they are located.
  5. Members acknowledge the need to foster strong community relations and as such will proactively engage with local residents over issues of concern.
  6. Members acknowledge that they represent the partnership that is the HLA and as such will strive to ensure that their actions and the operations of their respective businesses will reflect the values stated here.

In NSW Liquor accords are voluntary industry-based partnerships working in local communities to introduce practical solutions to liquor-related problems. They reach agreements on ways to improve the operation of licensed venues so that entertainment venues and precincts are safe and enjoyable.

Most liquor accords include members from the local business community, local councils, police, government departments and other community organisations.

The NSW Government is committed to having an effective and sustainable network of liquor accords across the state. To this end, our office works with licensees and local communities to enhance and extend voluntary participation in accords.

Visit the Liquor Accord website: https://www.liquorandgaming.justice.nsw.gov.au/Pages/liquor/liquor-accords.aspx

Hastings Liquor Accord Hastings Liquor Accord Hastings Liquor Accord Hastings Liquor Accord